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Supplemental materials from the books - maps, pictures, videos, and more.


Map of the Caribbean - A full-size color version of the map in The Treasure Beyond.

Isla de la Torre - Bonnie's treasure map!

Map of Italy - The map drawn by my brother for Thunder of Time.



Okay, so I'm a huge fan of personality quizzes . . . so enjoy my obsession, haha. ;P

To Stand character quiz

End of the Earth character quiz



Gemma S. as Bonnie Gemma S. as Bonnie

Inspired by The Treasure Beyond, Gemma S. took these pictures on a trip, pretending to be Bonnie. These are the first-ever fan pictures I've gotten! :D



My brother drew this gorgeous ship and colored it on Photoshop. It reminded me of The Royal Seadragon or some of the other ships in The Treasure Beyond.



The Treasure Beyond Lego© Promo - A movie trailer-style video that my brother and I made for The Treasure Beyond.

Thunder of Time Promo - Yes, another Lego© stop-motion! This one is for my Roman epic/spec fic, Thunder of Time.

To Stand Lego Promo - Official trailer for To Stand.

We Gave Our Tomorrows Trailer - The trailer for We Gave Our Tomorrows.